Posted inGeneral

Does architecture have an ethical function?

In his book, The ethical function of architecture (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997), the American philosopher, Karsten Harries,* presents a persuasive, if novel, contemporary philosophy of architecture. In a series of short, accessible chapters he discusses a number of related themes in a clear and well-formulated manner. The themes that he addresses pertain to what […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Bob the Boss

The crowd went into frenzy. Old and young, men and women, all listened attentively as Innocent Batsani Ncube recited his poems. I had listened to Innocent earlier on in the afternoon when he did a short piece on the “R” factor in reference to the just ended elections in Zimbabwe. The “R” referred to Robert […]

Posted inNews/Politics

We must prevent a Zimbabwean genocide

Sokwanele [“Enough is Enough”], a Zimbabwean human rights NGO, has a flickr photo album that illustrates, rather graphically, the means that Zanu-PF and its fascist affiliates are using to cling to power. Images copyright Sokwanele The photos in this album are not of extras in Hollywood’s latest “Afritragedy”. Neither are they the spurious efforts of […]

Posted inTech

Science for sustainability!

I confess that gadgets in sci-fi and ‘spy vs. spy’ movies have always intrigued me. You have to admit that some of these ‘inventions’ are quite novel and innovative, and play quite an important element to the success of the movie. It is difficult not to marvel at the idea of being beamed from one […]

Posted inBusiness

Bring on the Chinese

A few months ago, at the height of the Christmas shopping season, Oxfam encouraged us Britons to give “the gift of dung” to Africa. That’s right: dung. Apparently poor African farmers like nothing better at Christmas time than to receive a bucket of shit with which they can fertilise their crops. Oxfam called on British […]

Posted inNews/Politics

People in pain — please help

What is it about the situation in Zimbabwe that has produced one of the most severe cases of stick-your-head-in-the-sand-itis that one can imagine? Watching a video on the online New York Times on the refugees streaming into South Africa got me into such a state that tears were running down my cheeks. Of course, as […]