Posted inNews/Politics

Blowing up the bridges

Like a defeated army in retreat, our minister of magic seems intent on leaving behind nothing but ruins for her successor. In what appears to be a frenetic dash to the finish line, the final stage of her marathon of misconduct, Dr Beet and her department are churning out a flurry of ill-conceived regulations and […]

Posted inBusinessMedia

Yes, business news is boring

“Is it only me, or has economic news stagnated?” asks Arthur Goldstuck, my friend and colleague from the Weekly Mail days. No, Arthur, it’s not a new development. Business news is often boring. It has often been boring. And since it is often supply-driven rather than demand-driven, much of it is likely to continue to […]

Posted inLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

Is there a Winkie in the House?

Parliament’s unparallelled ability to generate hot air does lend itself to becoming a geothermal power plant and could solve South Africa’s electricity shortage instantly. But, failing that, it also has the potential to play a relevant, stimulating part of South Africa’s democracy. Ndumiso Ngcobo’s recent call for some “politainment” is a timely one. It’s about […]

Posted inGeneral

The great data-portability gold rush

The social networking space is reminiscent of a gold rush right now. Facebook, MySpace and Google all want to stake their claim in the ground. They claim they are “open” and they allow you to port your data, but they are still clutching at our identities. So, we have to ask: Is it enough? Is […]

Posted inGeneral

The rise of the information consumer

So here we are, 2008. We have Google, Flickr and Facebook. We have YouTube, MySpace and Twitter. We have more IM clients than you can shake a stick at, and enough Web content to sink a flotilla or two. How, I ask you, is anyone expected to cope? If your cell phone isn’t ringing, your […]

Posted inGeneral

Get me those page views, baby!

Mr Stupi Tidiot is hell bent on boosting his page views and unique visits to his site. See, he’s got Google Ads plastered all over the show and depends on it. He writes a bunch of crap, but he sure as hell don’t care as long as he gets them visitors, baby! It will make […]

Posted inGeneral

Why homesickness is a good thing

I’ve never met a South African overseas who isn’t homesick. I thought about that statement for a while, and then wondered whether I was exaggerating. Yes, it’s true that I haven’t been to every country in the world and for all I know, there may be many South Africans who live overseas and never give […]