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Seeing is believing

Imagine an International Competition of Blind Hockey Players at the Olympic Games. That is the goal of Mark John DeMontis, a twenty-one year old third year student of the University of Western Ontario, in St. Cathrines, Canada. Mark has lost his central sight and relies on peripheral vision, because of Leber’s Optical Neuropathy, a disease […]

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Plurk, the new Twitter?

Another new micro-blogging platform called Plurk has stirred the social scene the last couple of days. Basically, they are doing exactly the same thing as Twitter, only they’re looking, uhm, cooler. That, and their IM updates seem to work. My initial reaction was “Oh wow! Bye, bye Twitter! Hello, Plurk!”. Then sensibility kicked in big […]

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Can Microsoft survive the Apple onslaught?

Apple has established itself on a very premium platform — all style, design and brilliant functionality. After the iPod, the brand image has hardly seen even the slightest decline in its brand equity. The launch of the iPhone and the Macbook Air, with all the flair of Steve Jobs as he cleverly launched them during […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Racism, Rock and ruling

“You know how hard it is to make racism just plain fun? Rock does it. Racism to Chris Rock is just a Hacky Sack on his foot. He kicks it up over here, over there, behind the back and then right over to you. The tension release he offers is available nowhere else, from no one else.” Jerry Seinfeld on Chris Rock, currently touring South Africa.

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Bafana Bafana – bankrupt in all regards

If Bafana Bafana was a business, it would have long filed for bankruptcy. In fact, Bafana is indeed bankrupt as we speak. There’s associational bankruptcy, managerial bankruptcy, coaching bankruptcy, skills bankruptcy, goal scoring bankruptcy, defending bankruptcy… need I go on? But, and this is a big but, unlike any other badly performing business, Bafana’s leadership […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Where goes the continent?

Submitted by Rachel Adams In February of this year, Jody Kollapen, Chairman of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) stated that Nelson Mandela had taken reconciliation too far and that there had been an “undue focus on reconciliation rather than transformation“. Of course in all the god-like worship that surrounded the presidency of Nelson […]

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2010: Lower your expectations!

Watching Bafana Bafana lose to Nigeria for the umpteenth time over the weekend was debilitating. In all fairness, any team in the world can lose to Nigeria in Abuja. But the meek surrender by our boys is treasonous. Who can argue with Nigerians now that the only reason we won in 1996 was because they […]