Posted inGeneral

Protest 2.0

We’ve all seen the use of Twitter in organising real-life protests at a moments notice. Examples are rife across Europe and the US, especially San Francisco where we’ve seen activists using Twitter to organise and co-ordinate an anti-war protest. Another example of the innovative use of Social Media in this way is that of James […]

Posted inBusiness

What causes inflation?

Submitted by Philip Copeman Inflation, the old enemy, is back. With a few exceptions, this has not been a severe threat to the world economy since the early 1980s. Inflation now threatens us all. South Africa and a number of other countries seem well on their way to succumbing to this monster. Why is inflation […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Desperate measures

Tell the lie often enough and you believe it yourself, the saying goes. This is not enough for the current Bush administration. As Barack Obama tied up the Democratic Party nomination, the Republican machinery prepares to play the same terror card they’ve used over the last three election terms in America. There’s nothing surprising in […]

Posted inGeneral

Bucs: A love unreturned

As French author and philosopher Albert Camus once said: “All that I know most surely about morality and obligations I owe to football”, I too owe everything I know about life, love and loyalty, pleasure and pain, pride and prejudice to having been a football fan. I know that even if I had not grown […]

Posted inGeneral

Users are the weakest link

They say a team is only as strong as its weakest link. I think it should be changed to a system is only as strong as the user. As a simple example, we have many applications to do different things at our disposal. Microsoft Word for word processing, Power Point for those spectacular presentations that […]

Posted inGeneral

Oh what racially tangled webs we weave

Ok, first off, this post is not meant to stoke the flames of controversy, though it is a sensitive topic, that being of race. I was notified through google alert a few days back that an article with my name in it was posted by Ramon Thomas. So of course my inquisitive nature got me […]

Posted inGeneral

TechLeadership through free education

Ok, so I’m a TechLeader now according to the cool gang at the Mail & Guardian Online. But I think it’s best to get some things out in the open before I continue on my leading ways. I know squat about technology. (Ok, that’s not entirely true, but I work on a 2005 model Toshiba […]