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How to create the ultimate password

When it comes to passwords, there are two objectives we need to achieve. Passwords need to be secure and easily remembered and accessible. In today’s climate of multiple logins to our social networks, websites, banks, email, etc, we tend to get lazy and stick to a single password which we use everywhere, which poses a […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Normalising xenophobia

The barbaric violence, including the intimidation and killings that silenced the ho hum of the rainbow nation for the past three weeks, has finally subsided. Ordinary South Africans, after witnessing the bloodshed sprayed all over their newspapers and television screens, appear to have returned to the daily drama of their own lives. Of course, the […]

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What is De Villiers planning for Pienaar and Steyn?

Is Pieter de Villiers playing discordant musical chairs with Ruan Pienaar and Francois Steyn? Will these two players’ amazing versatility and prodigious talent prove to be a curse? I ask this because it was under Jake White that the curse first came to the fore. White used these talented ex-Grey College boys in virtually every […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Middle East: US Foreign policy under Obama

Most observers must have been shaken from their self-delusion about Barack Obama’s supposedly more “humane and wise approach to foreign policy” after he addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on the 4th June 2008. There is nothing pacifist nor anything anti-imperialist about the man’s political outlook, less so about his foreign policy orientation. Beneath […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Zanu-PF Fan Club (also known as the ANC)

Robert Mugabe is one lucky dictator, being in the enviable position of having outsourced his foreign diplomacy efforts to the South African government. By preventing a discussion in the United Nations Security Council on Zimbabwe’s political situation, South Africa is doing its utmost to ensure that the international community does nothing about the tyrannous regime’s […]

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MXit’s innovation manager speaks …

Although MXit is an exciting development in the South African social media space, it has suffered from a lot of FUD. As per Wikipedia, FUD is “Fear, uncertainty and doubt: a tactic of rhetoric used in sales, marketing, public relations.” I believe the same FUD created by some South African journalists, politicians and parents around […]