Posted inLifestyle

No worries! What Australians are really like

Anyone arriving in Australia, even if they’re just visiting, should learn two phrases: “No worries!” and “Thanks, mate.” Which should tell you something about Australians. One of my readers was curious about what Australians are really like, so I thought I’d broach the subject. If I sound like I am hedging my bets a little, […]

Posted inGeneral

Who’s your daddy?

In doing some research on New Zealand rugby, in advance of the Springboks playing the All Blacks on 5 July, I discovered that the New Zealand Maori rugby union team actually came about primarily as a result of those New Zealanders of Maori descent who could not tour South Africa because of the colour bar. […]

Posted inGeneral

Reddit goes open source

On Tuesday, the Reddit team announced that it is releasing its source code to the public. For those of you who don’t know what Reddit is, it is a hugely popular Social News site, much like Digg or our local Muti. This is an outstanding move in that users not only drive the content on […]

Posted inGeneral

How to surf secretly in Firefox 3

Those of you who use Safari might already know about the PornPrivate Browsing button. You simply click it and while the feature is on, you will leave no trace. No cookies, no temporary files and no awkward link history popping up when you type in URLs in the address bar while someone is watching over […]

Posted inGeneral

Why programmers must do customer support

It dawned on me recently that programmers also do customer support. They have to help end-users get online at WiFi Hotspots and they need to help Hotspot owners set up new hotspots and help process payments to them. These tasks lie primarily with our technical division and accounting, but we rotate incoming phone calls to […]

Posted inGeneral

Sick and tired of footballer’s “Wags”

Aren’t you sick and tired of wading through the Sun newspaper and reading all that garbage about this player’s girlfriend and that one’s wife? FFS, and then having to sift through those ridiculous slideshows of these women?! Last night, for example, I was going through the article on Abbey Clancy who is Peter Crouch’s girlfriend. […]

Posted inGeneral

When online business is stuck in the last century

It’s taken me more than a little while to get round to breaking the seal on this blog. For openers, I’m taking the easy way out and plumping for a rant about two South African business sectors whose digital incarnations leave a lot to be desired. Exhibit A: Inbound Travel Where would the booming South […]

Posted inGeneral

Mr Price Pro celebrates 40th anniversary

They say life starts at 40, and if this truly is the case then this year’s edition of the Mr Price Pro is set to be the best yet. Founded in 1969, the event formerly known as the Gunston 500 has brought the world’s top surfers to Durban’s shores for four decades, and 2008 will […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Why we resort to violence

It’s raining outside and the sky is hanging low in a saturated grey, so I can’t even justify why I love this country so much with the weather. And right now, I don’t exactly feel like justifying it by explaining what a wonderful society we are. Because at the moment, it’s really hard to believe […]