Posted inMedia

Arrested development

The mayhem started at 7am last week Wednesday when a bakkie with eight people loaded on the back overturned. It ended 12 hours later with a crash that saw four women — one of whom was pregnant — killed. In between the crashes, there was an armed cash heist. This all took place in what […]

Posted inLifestyle

Talking music

Seeing as there’s so much hellfire, damnation and slimy things with slimy legs crawling upon a slimy sea, I thought I’d really wind my neck in and talk music. Or rather the music you just gotta get, ’cause in the magical list below exist the latest, finest and most versatile stuff today. Seek you the […]

Posted inLifestyle

Single white male

Nambitha is a restaurant situated in the heart of Johannesburg’s Soweto township. The township, famous the world over because of its former status as the major launch pad of the South African freedom struggle, has become a popular destination for culture seekers and tourists of all nationalities, both local and International. Soweto’s fame and tourist […]

Posted inLifestyle

Mussolini comes to town!

As I slowly circle a soggy Durban International Airport’s pay parking area waiting for my wife to emerge from the arrivals terminal, my bad-temper hormones are doing what they always do when faced by bureaucratic arrogance. This does not make a grumpy ugly bastard look any better. There are a mere dozen stopping bays in […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

May these sheep all run off a cliff

I hate sheep. Afrikaans sheep, to be exact, and more specifically, Christian Afrikaans sheep. Some excellent thoughts have been shared on Thought Leader in the past week on Rapport editor Tim du Plessis’s firing of columnist Deon Maas for sharing his thoughts on satanism, resulting in a vehement SMS and email campaign by readers that […]