Posted inLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

‘Blacks’ or whites do not exist and the racist notion should have been dropped in 1994

Not long ago, a colleague of mine who spent over 30 years in exile said to me that seeing people as blacks, white, Indian or coloured is the antithesis of nation-building and non-racism. Using these outdated labels, he insisted, means that you are psychologically burdened with old and tired apartheid baggage. If we want to […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

Why historically unANChored young black professionals are Coping very well

A struggle veteran was telling me that he has observed Cope has become a popular attraction for the young black professional class. Well, I don’t know anything about that as I have not attended any of their gatherings in plush homes, hotels conference rooms or hip cocktail parties and dinners. But he insisted that the […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Julius Malema is a raw and intuitive talker while Cope’s guru is … er, too polished and a self-made thinker

I want to make a crude and slightly unfair comparison to contrast the caliber of youth leadership in the ANC Youth League and Cope’s youth wing. Political bodies are, largely, the lengthened shadow of their leading personalities and thus Julius Malema and JJ Tabane, for instance, represent and reflect the faces of their organisations. You […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

How our cultural industry killed a piano maestro Bheki Mseleku and legendary actor John Matshikiza

The last few months has seen tragic passing on of a number of great African artists. Frankly, these great artists died because, as creative African intellectuals, they could not find jobs and thus had no money to lead respectable and dignified lives. In fact, they were almost like paupers. It is a serious indictment on […]

Posted inLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

Mbeki said African journalists are paid for counter-revolutionary sellouts

It is almost two months now since former president Thabo Mbeki accused some African journalists, “experts” and “analysts” of being paid for sellouts. Of course, this he did in a much-publicised letter in October in which he distanced himself from Terror Lekota’s Cope (sic.) His speaking truth to media has been greeted by resounding silence, […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

How Afrikaners, coloureds and blacks are abandoning their native tongues for English

The last 15 years have introduced two fundamental changes that have, inevitably, radically shaken South African society, language and culture. This is a not a new phenomenon where, perhaps for the first time in the 21st Century and its African modernity, parents are raising children who do not speak or understand their native tongue. In […]