Ever since Google set the benchmark on office perks, employees around the globe have wished they could get a slice of the wonderful pie being served up in Mountain View, California. I for one have always found much joy in reading about companies that offer their employees perks that go far beyond the standard medical aid and pension paradigm. Companies like 37signals and Carsonified are two companies that crop up time after time when people blog and write about company perks that they wish they could have.

As an employer, you are always trying to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to hiring new staff. You want your employees to give you 100% effort in exchange for their monthly paycheck and the possibility of growth and further financial rewards later down the line. But is that what all employees are after? Not everyone is built the same, and therefore not everyone chases money and promotions. This is one of the reasons why Google manages to hire some of the world’s top developers on mostly standard industry salaries. They paying their employees for their work, not to be at work.

Sure, not every company in South Africa has the money to splash out of freebies like Google does, but there are certain perks and offerings that are achievable that will keep your employees happy and super productive.

  • Dual LCD screens. Tiny desks are far less productive than large desks with multiple drawers. The same applies to your computer screen. More space means more productivity.
  • Use the best hardware your money can buy. Once again a productivity enhancer.
  • Good quality coffee. Instant coffee is what everyone has at home. Offer restaurant style coffee from a decent coffee machine.
  • Free snacks and drinks. Limit the junk food like chips and fizzy cool drinks, but have plenty of juice, fruit, peanuts and general energy snacks. This stops the brain from that occasional 3:30pm shutdown
  • Paid for lunch. This is a risky one as big lunches can lead to sleepiness, but make sure the lunch is as healthy and enjoyable as possible. Also make sure your staff try and eat lunch together. Team building is very important and what better place than around the lunch table? Every day.
  • Flexi hours. There are certain times that people have to be at work, but remember, your staff have a life outside the office. Let them decide.
  • Gifts and prizes. Nothing beats the feeling of winning or receiving something unexpected every once in a while. You could also set work targets that result in gifts.
  • Reading materials. Subscribe to magazines in your field as well as have monthly or quarterly book budgets. Knowledge is power.
  • Perks offer your company something else than just keeping your current staff happy. You’ll also start to notice that top employees from other companies will be dropping off their CV’s for you to look at, as now your company is starting to fire up the great Google staff magnet that all companies wish they could have.


    Jason Bagley

    Jason Bagley

    Jason is a social media junkie, designer, blogger and web entrepreneur. His passion lies with everything and anything web 2.0, with a keen eye on mobile web development. You can catch a more personal side...

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