This week’s Talkback question on the Mail & Guardian Online:

Would you encourage your child to recite the proposed pupils’ pledge?

The proposed pledge
We the youth of South Africa
Recognising the injustices of our past,
Honour those who suffered and sacrificed for justice and freedom.
We will respect and protect the dignity of each person,
And stand up for justice
We sincerely declare that we shall uphold the rights and values of our Constitution
And promise to act in accordance with the duties and responsibilities
that flow from these rights.
Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika

Read more

  • Govt mulls response to planned pupils’ pledge
  • Experts: Pupils’ pledge a good start, but …
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    Mail & Guardian Talkback

    Mail & Guardian Talkback

    This is the Mail & Guardian Online's Talkback blog, where every week we post a tough question about a hot topic in the news. Answer it, debate with others and have fun!

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