This month South Africa celebrates the 17th anniversary of its freedom but many white people will always struggle to appreciate what that means.

People who go to the mall on Freedom Day really do not know what they are missing.

The thing is, whites as a group have never been really free on African soil, if you like. And we have to bring this matter not only to their attention but to that of general society.

You see, blacks still think that whites were never oppressed under colonialism and apartheid. And yet the system was more about oppressing whites than blacks. In fact, many white people are battling to break out of their white-man-created self-oppression.

There is nothing as difficult as fighting self-oppression, which has become your way of life. So, what do I mean when I say whites are oppressed, always have been and will always be?

Well, true freedom, for me, has three dimensions. The first, in the New South Africa, is physical.

There was a time, long before 1990, when many whites judged all people by their physical features and restricted them to specific geographic areas, especially themselves. And for hundreds of years people were not allowed to move into certain white areas to stay, play or do anything because these places were designated to specific people.

In fact, blacks in general, which includes Africans, Indians and coloureds, were not really accepted as human beings. Whites were misled to believe they were sub-human. And there are many whites who treat black people as sub-human.

The rights that both whites and blacks should enjoy emanating from the Constitution have not yet translated into reality.

But this does not deny the fact that blacks and whites are now free to move around the country to stay, play or work wherever they want. Nobody has a right to make any other human being feel inferior or unwanted simply because of their physical appearance. Black and white is equal?

Now a white man is not only considered an African who belongs here but is allowed to live wherever he wants.

Before 1990 white people were not free. They were forced or expected to collaborate with discrimination, racism, oppression and exploitation.

Today they have a choice. They are free to move about anywhere they want and not judge anyone by their physical characteristics. This is the first dimension of freedom. It is so simple that most white people take it for granted or just do not see it.

Unfortunately few whites dare to move out of their man-created exclusive cocoons. They are losing out on enjoying life and freedom. What a pity!

Then there is the second dimension of freedom, which some call “mental liberation”. It is psychological freedom — where you allow your thoughts, ideas and behaviour to be guided by that which stirs in your soul.

There are very few white people in South Africa who exercise or understand this freedom: the right to be true to yourself as a human being or South African citizen with rights. This does not mean putting the flag or country first.

You see, if you see yourself as a South African white, for instance, you are not mentally liberated and cannot be psychologically free. It would mean that your whole way of upbringing enslaves you because you are still kept in a racial box.

Belonging to a particular white group makes whites slaves to their one-dimensional history, traditions, customs, culture and ideologies. It does not allow the individual to think on their own. Whether whites realise it or not, they continue to be forced to fit into a certain mould. In fact, they do this willingly.

But in the new society everybody is free to look at their experiences and the world through the new eyes of an innocent child called the New South Africa.

Nobody should tell children, for instance, about the existence of whites and blacks, but South African citizens.

In fact, whites have to teach their children and youth the ideals and principles enshrined in the Constitution, which should be the guidelines for their attitude, behaviour and how to conduct themselves in a free society.

Mental or psychological freedom is only possible when all the citizens, especially whites, show a determination and willingness to break out of their racial boxes. This freedom is about growth and development. It is about expanding white intellect, intelligence and consciousness in a way that has nothing to do with race, class or background. Nothing would be inherited or taken for granted if whites were mentally liberated. They would not allow themselves to be taught or told where blacks belong but they would arrive at that definition through inter-racial mixing and listening to their own conscience, that which stirs in their soul.

White people who are mentally free find their own truth by pursuing or seeking a liberation route that others fear to tread.

Finally, the third dimension of freedom is the ultimate freedom of knowing that the meaning and purpose of your life is to fulfil your mission on African soil.

I believe whites, too, are born with a talent or a role to play. And it is only when whites know what it is they should be doing that they rediscover their mission in the new society, which is to live like brother and sister with their black counterparts.

Whites must just do it as they have no choice.

If whites do not rediscover their ubuntu, talent or purpose in this beautiful land, then, they have no right to be here or to call themselves free Africans.

These are three dimensions of freedom that all South Africans, especially whites, should be enjoying during freedom month.

Happy freedom month!!!


Sandile Memela

Sandile Memela

Sandile Memela is a journalist, writer, cultural critic, columnist and civil servant. He lives in Midrand.

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