Like many people I have not been invited to Jacob Zuma’s forthcoming wedding. I also have not been invited to address the crowds gathering at Jacob Zuma’s court appearances. In general Jacob Zuma and I have been on the outs ever since he said, “We don’t want Winner Take All”. I could have forgiven him for a great many things, but not that. In the position he was in, Winner Take All was the only way for NDZ and NDZ’s slate.

Instead with the chaos of ill-fated preparations, Jacob Zuma lost and only got some of NDZ’s slate elected. A motley grouping of some-and-some, a smattering of Unity-talk and some drunken lurching, unto the void, followed. Then the palaver of Jacob Zuma’s legal problems reopened, although it seemed like we had turned the corner on those, just before Jacob Zuma became President.

And now here we are, despite the dread of having to explain what happened so long ago, Jacob Zuma’s getting married. And I haven’t been invited. So sad, so sorry, no invite for you. My opportunity to hob-nob with the Jacob Zumas has been lost. No chance for me to talk the ear off a tenderpreneur, or for me to impress a coattail-riding yes-man with insights and reflections.

I will miss out on the cultural ceremonies of a Zulu wedding as well as those of a Christian one. Not for me the menu of a grand reception, not for me the traditions of Msholozi, and not for me the fervour of celebrity society. Instead, my former President will celebrate these nuptials without me or my invective. Perhaps I should have been a better follower, a better minion, a better donor; perhaps that would have scored me an invite.

Nonetheless, my best wishes to Jacob Zuma and his new bride, may they have much happiness together, and may their lives together be fulfilling and peaceful. I’m not one to dwell on slights, and so I will also say, may Jacob Zuma himself find calm and serenity over this next year, regardless of what happens.


Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender is the Chief Political Officer of MicroGene.

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