The nation in unison rejoices in celebration of man; we sing praises overwhelmed by joy and pride; we celebrate the birth of one of our brightest hopes – shining brighter now and forever more. For the masses he has worked, sacrificed, struggled, fought and emerged victorious.

It is in this ordinary man that this fortunate and proud nation has found a braver, more gallant liberator; an extra-ordinary African – in greatness, he remains humble still!

The multitude of commoners considers it their duty to honour him. In honouring this Great Man, we honour the best in ourselves.

May the Lord grant you strength, good health and allow you to see many more!



Sentletse Diakanyo

Sentletse Diakanyo

Sentletse Diakanyo's blogs may contain views on any subject which may upset sensitive readers. Parental guidance is strongly advised.

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