There is an inclination to look at tomorrow’s Test match against the All Blacks as being THE moment and THE goal — to beat the Kiwis in a rugby test match in their country.

It is one of ten steps to the 2011 Rugby World Cup in the same place, at the same time — in 48 months time and time does fly when you have an obsessive compulsive personality about rugby.
This is not an insult that flies in the face of the Kiwis, at home, in New Zealand, demonstrating the capability, competency and power of the South Africans, to conquer the All Blacks, but an essential first step of ten steps to 2011.

The Ten Steps of course are the ten test matches to follow when South Africa meets the All Blacks before the next Rugby World Cup, so it is a process.

Now it depends which way you look at it. Is the ultimate goal to win the Rugby World Cup, or is it to beat the All Blacks in each Test? Of course, winning is the name of the game and no defeat is pleasant and nice guys come second and all that, but it has to be said that every single South Africa vs. New Zealand Rugby Test is a challenge for world dominance in rugby.

This Will Carling blah, blah, blah, blah about the English Rose and Martin “Coffee Cup” Johnson axing 13 players is for cry babies and young men aspiring to be like a Springbok or All Black. They know it and they know we know, they aspire to it. Good luck to them.

Our two nations are in the thick of battle and rugby dominance and nothing, but nothing compares to a Springbok vs. All Black Test.

Every single one is a cracker, either at home or away.

PS. Oh and if we should lose again, the rugby administrators are accountable and should be held up for scrutiny.


Tony McKeever

Tony McKeever

Tony led the change in corporate identity of South African Airways from the airline of the old South Africa to the flag carrier of the new South Africa. Before that he was a competitive provincial sportsmen...

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