I hate closed doors. Secrets happen behind them, people are talked about and decisions are made for others. That, of course, is why you have to have them. But too many of them? Well, they just bring a place down, man. It’s, like, all to do with some kind of hippie philosophy of bad vibes and poor energy flow … dude.

So this week we decided to smash down all the walls in our office. Everyone now lives in one big office, not their own little cocoon. And the grooviest stuff has started happening. As soon as the physical barriers went down, so did the personal ones. When people walk in, they greet one everyone because they can see them; they walk over to other’s desks and ask them things; they are even calling across the office and making music requests. Is it noisy? Yeah, kinda, but noise is energy and energy is gooood.

You see, I think fun is an essential part of the workplace. As important as the building, the computers, or the bottom line. If people are having fun, they want to come to work, they want to do their jobs and they feel freer to be more creative.

So, like, the vibe is all chilled now, man, and everyone is, like, having a groovy time and stuff — well, except me because of course I kept my office. Hell, I need to talk about people and plot my takeover of the world.

er … Peace, man.


Stuart Stobbs

Stuart Stobbs

Stu Stobbs is Creative Partner at Studio4332. He started copywriting in advertising in the 90s after a failed drag-queen career. He is co-founder of Studio4332, a new age communications agency that...

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