Call me NastroSumo, but didn’t I mention in my piece called Making beautiful Coloureds Together that the future of the world lies, with the Tik somewhere in Mitchell’s Plain, in the Kleurlinge?

Yes, yours truly, The Sumo, has predicted this current state of affairs being of mixed race is the very way to go, my friends; it is the only way to a better life for all. The removal of colour as a definer among humans will go a long way to diminishing intolerance in the world.

Of course, with us all being human, I’m sure we’ll find other ways to discriminate against each other. We are such interesting creatures; always looking for reasons to be superior or supreme. The idea of uniformity of race isn’t a Sumo original, of course. Hitler and his cronies had the same idea along with many others. Many that agreed with his beliefs who are still around this day would love to see dear BH Mohammed Obama’s life violently brought to expiry and preferably on national television, I’m sure.

I guess Hamilton’s win in the F1, another world first and another person of mixed race origin, was a good precursor and omen for Obama’s victory even if it was under very shady circumstances. The whole thing just worked out too well to have not been orchestrated. A decision was surely made from higher up in that one and a timely tyre “problem” was suddenly experienced at Toyota and presto! A world first is experienced.

Lovely, so Schumie is not the only one ever to prosper due to decisions made for the greater good … of the F1 bosses’ back pockets.

Of course, Tiger started it all in warning the world that a new world order is on the horizon; a better life for all was possible, with opportunities equal and no hindrance placed upon any individual because of their melanine dispensation. He has not since stopped either, nor does he look as though he shall any time soon.

So ladies, Caucasian ladies (my black sisters please excuse me in this one, I’m sure you understand that I am pursuing a greater good), the world is changing. Let us change with it. Making beautiful coloureds together is the way the world is moving. It is the future and what we need to do is grab it with both hands.

So reach out and grab The Sumo, throw him into you bed and have your jolly way with him. Maybe we can make a president or a golfer or maybe even an F1 champ or maybe we’ll just make a lazy lay-about who hallucinates on a blog-space from time to time.

Last, but definitely not least in the mixed-race achievers list that I can think of, is Michael Jackson … Oh, wait. Michael is just a white woman. Apologies!

Ten thousand points to the person who misses the point the most.

I rest
The Sumo

PS — Jokes about the Tik.


The Sumo

The Sumo

The Sumo is a strapping young man in his late 20s who considers himself the ultimate transitional South African. Born and raised in a KwaZulu-Natal township near Durban, he was part of the first group...

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