We learned today via an official press release from Cricket South Africa that current chief executive Gerald Majola has been suspended immediately pending the establishment of a disciplinary enquiry.

The KPMG report will seemingly be the focus of this enquiry as well as the recommendations of Judge Chris Nicholson. This most definitely presents as a step in the right direction but long way to go.

There are some concerns, questions and suggestions perhaps; I am concerned that the CSA board has taken the decision to “appoint” an acting president, although I will make clear that I am not familiar with the CSA operating procedures or constitution and stand to be corrected on this basis.

I would have thought a process of consultation would take place in a public way to call for nominations from the bodies that make up CSA? Has this taken place behind doors already? Anyhow Dr Willie Basson has humbly accepted his “appointment” saying that he looked very forward to serving his favourite sport, time will tell I suppose.

Then the same board asks North West cricket to make their chief executive Jaques Faul available to act as head while the disciplinary process sees its course with Majola bringing me to a suggestion — should the CSA not be looking to progress by looking outside the realms of cricket for a CEO with operational power, systematic management and a visionary strategic eye for the future.

I could certainly think of someone like Gidon Novick who is no longer on Comair/Kulula’s pay roll although I can say that the brilliant Adrian Gore has already snapped up the talented leader in the management of Discovery Vitality but where there is a will there is a way.

CSA administration and its image have been served an absolutely killer blow over the last few years and need a powerful, credible and trusted leader to step up to the plate and assume the mantle of cricket into the future.

It would be suggested that CSA follow their counterparts in rugby in how they reached Jurie Roux who has assumed his role with great vigour and diplomacy making it clear that as chief executive of rugby the buck stops with him not the president.

Why is this board not being dissolved?

Surely they are very much part of this mess, surely it must be acknowledged that under their watch cricket’s image in South Africa is quite embarrassing — yet they making decisions on acting presidents and CEO’s — how are we, the public, supposed to have any confidence in them to make this game great for all South Africans?

I have not had the privilege of reading Nicholson’s report but would be interested to know his answer to my question.

Unfortunately the South African cricket supporting public will need to wait as process hijacks efficacy but as ever we will patiently hope for the best outcome for cricket and its players.


Greg Hurvitz

Greg Hurvitz

Sport is an absolute passion, schools sport, sports management and the high performance science. I host the Breakfast show on 101.9ChaiFM and a the only School sports radio show in SA.

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