We continue to hear of reports of bribery and corruption in Fifa. Why should it be immune? And like I always say, where there’s smoke there’s fire. We have Mr Jack Warner who’s being supported at home, but who resigned from Fifa, which means we will in all likelihood never find out the real truth … just like president Sepp Blatter wants it.

Warner was not only deputy president at Fifa but also head of Concacaf and the Caribbean Football Union. He resigned citing the interests of his country — where he is a member of parliament — but interestingly pledged to play any role he could in assisting Fifa in the corruption charges relating to the conduct of former Fifa presidential candidate Mohamed bin Hammam.

These bribery claims are in there as a method to oust Blatter … then he stands uncontested. Cheap politicking or did someone get to someone else and politely advise against any challenge to Blatter? Again no real answers, just smokescreen after smokescreen. He stands uncontested for the presidency amid his organisation getting it from all sides.

Obviously of interest to me is that now the South African Football Association (Safa) is a talking point. Reports have it that neither Fifa or Safa were willing to comment or confirm if the matches South Africa played against Colombia and Guatemala in 2010 were under investigation. Why not? Why can these fat cat sports administrators not give a straight answer? Either they’re being investigated or they’re not? But of course Safa has pledged all support and cooperation to the Fifa investigation.

It makes me sick how Fifa controls football, mafia style. It defies logic how much power it yields and it all falls under Blatter. It controls who sells what, where, when and for how long. Two major sponsors have finally stood up and questioned the continuous smoke around Fifa. They should withdraw — they are the money.

If Blatter is the leader he is purported to be, merely by the position he holds, as I do not know him or anyone who does know him, then this is the time to lead. He can’t lead, he can’t point errors. Why? Undoubtedly the assumption is that Uncle Sepp is as guilty as anyone else is alleged to be.

Who is Fifa answerable to? Seemingly only G-D. It is absolute nonsense that Fifa runs wild on the control of soccer and everyone is embroiled in wrongdoing, which keeps them in the circle of wrongdoing. This circle means they will not “split” on anyone else and so we never move forward.

I got news for you. Fifa is answerable to us, the supporters, the fans. I wonder how Fifa would react if there was a “supporters’ boycott” of a world cup. But we will all be flocking to stadiums in Brazil and it will be announced as an even better world cup than South Africa’s … and Fifa will retain soccer ruler supreme and the fat cats will get fatter.


Greg Hurvitz

Greg Hurvitz

Sport is an absolute passion, schools sport, sports management and the high performance science. I host the Breakfast show on 101.9ChaiFM and a the only School sports radio show in SA.

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