An invincible friend passed away yesterday and while I sit in Cape Town with the clouds crying with me I am battling to understand the fragility of life. Someone whose cup overflowed with love, energy and a fair dose of eloquent sarcasm has been stolen from us and those who left behind are reeling. We are dispersed across the country, all of us wishing that a cellphone was more than an ear-to-ear conversation, reaching our hands and arms down the phone to touch and console one another.

More than ever I am reminded that I am not one person in this world. We can never understand our impact on another person, nor can we ever estimate its ripple effects. I am grateful for all the time that I knew Mel. I am grateful for every shared laugh, drink, vegetation time. It has really just brought home to me how much we have to thank those around us for shaping us and moulding our lives — if it weren’t for them then we would be shapeless beings. I wanted to share this in the hope that you will reach out to talk to those friends who are far away. Who perhaps you’ve been meaning to call but haven’t. Life is not forever. And we are blessed beyond measure to have the little bit of it that we do.

I will miss you Martha. Love always.


Jen Thorpe

Jen Thorpe

Jennifer is a feminist, activist and advocate for women's rights. She has a Masters in Politics from Rhodes University, and a Masters in Creative Writing from UCT. In 2010 she started a women's writing...

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