Hello from a surprisingly overcast Johannesburg.

For some reason we seem to take this weather with us. We had it in Somerset West for our training camp, and then the first part of the week in Bloem. It’s meant a few of us are fighting the flu, but hey, if that’s our only complaint things can’t be too bad.

From our side, I want to just thank all of you for your incredible support over the last few weeks. Our inboxes have been overflowing with good wishes, and it’s really been humbling. Thank you.

So far the week has gone to script. I was happy with our performance on Saturday, and we’ll always take a win, but there were elements of the game that disappointed me. The scrums and kick-offs in particular were problematic. Rest assured we’re addressing those areas this week.

I’m expecting Wales to come a lot harder at us on Saturday. We managed to dominate the collisions in Bloem, and that played a major part in our victory, and so we must be prepared for a massive physical challenge from the Welsh as they seek to reverse that.

Otherwise the spirit in the camp remains good and relaxed. I’d like to keep continuity from Saturday, but I’m pondering a couple of changes. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait to Thursday to find out though!

Anyway thank you for your ongoing support. We are very proud to be your team.

Be sure to visit SARugby.co.za.


Peter de Villiers

Peter de Villiers

Peter de Villiers is the coach of South Africa's national rugby team, the Springboks. He has also coached the SA U19 team – 1998 & 1999 (SA finished 3rd in 1999 at world championships), SA U21...

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