If you are a Sharks fan you would have been extremely disappointed with the Sharks’ dismal performance in the Super14 semi-final against the Waratahs. However, when looking back clinically, it was always going to be a tall order after travelling half way across the world to face a team which nailed them in the prelim round, and who have the best defence in the competition.

In sport sometimes you get the rub of the green, as the Sharks did against Cheetahs to score 3 tries in 3 min to save their campaign, not to mention the game against the Chiefs, where everything came right for the Sharks to produce a performance that I haven’t seen in the last 10 years at ABSA stadium.

But in Sydney everything went wrong and the rub of the green was definitely in favour of the Waratahs. What the game did show to me was proof that the guys are more than just rugby playing machines, they have hearts as well.

What many of you may not know is that Dick Muir’s daughter was involved in a terrible horse riding accident on Friday. After she came off the horse she was kicked in the stomach which caused both her liver and her stomach to rupture. She was admitted to Mt Edgecombe Hospital and managed to pull through just before the game. Regardless of the performance on the field on Saturday, it was a failure for rugby but a success for the Muir family.

In regards to AJ, would be interesting to know what happened to him? If it was just in fact a sore thumb or if there really were contract issues with the Sharks Rugby Union. Certainly it did not help the Sharks’ cause that he withdrew one hour before the kick-off, which forced the Sharks management to gamble with the Tongan.

As for the Tongan International, Epi Taione? He started off like a house on fire then he forgot that he was playing rugby union but instead played Aussie Rules where you are allowed to bounce the ball, because it looked like he was trying to do that every time he got the ball after the first five minutes.

Another interesting development at Sharks HQ is whether they should contract John Smit. For me it is a no brainer — he is an outstanding leader and rugby player and would bring a much needed calmness and experience to the young Sharks squad.

I understand that he left for not so greener pastures in France and that Bismarck Du Plessis is playing outstanding rugby, but I would sit with both of them and explain that right now Bismarck is in the hot seat and that John will get game time in the short term, with John starting when Bismarck needs a rest, thus keeping them both fresh. After a period both will be judged on their performances and then a decision will be made about who is ahead in the pecking order. At the same time John could spend time with the other young hookers in the squad ie Craig Burden, Jody Scheneker and Scott Brown, to bring them through the system with more knowledge.

What is guaranteed is that both John and Bismarck will represent the Boks and both will be on top of their game.


John Allan

John Allan

John Allan is currently the CEO of SARLA. He has had a long and prosperous rugby career, and it looks set to continue that way. He has played rugby for Glenwood High School’s 1st XV, Captained Glenwood...

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