A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to take part in a writing project, organised by Darren Gorton. His plan was to bring 13 of South Africa’s most passionate bloggers together and have them each contribute a chapter to an online book / series. The theme “a piece of significance” was centred around the role of technology and a technologists’ life in a positive South Africa.

The project has been a fantastic success, and it’s truly moving to see how quickly 13 people got motivated enough to write full opinion pieces on positive elements of our country. It’s not good enough to just have SA Good News and SA Rocks. Right behind them, stands SA Sucks (I’m giving the link out of principle!), and hordes of people that feel a Zimbabwe situation is but a hop, skip and a Zuma away. We need a positive mobilisation on a much greater scale.

In the end, the true power for me lies in our ability as web citizens to use the speed, power and viral nature of our medium to tell the good stories. Shout them out. The world is listening.

TechLeader readers… please enjoy the 13 chapters of The SA Blook: A Piece of Significance. Your feedback and dissemination of these works would be greatly appreciated!

1. The new South Africa – is it real?
2. Is SA rich or poor?
3. What the world thinks of South Africa and what our global opportunities are
4. The importance of each individual’s contribution collectively
5. SA Inc and the business of doing business in SA
6. The beauty and grandeur that surrounds us
7. The importance of technology in SA’s global emergence
8. Building brand South Africa
9. Making the most of SA’s creative talents and abilities
10. Innovate for a better South Africa
11. The role of the younger generation in SA, and what we need to do to support them
12. Connecting South Africa – Communities that transcend technology
13. We are African – the role of collaboration in South Africa’s growth


Andy Hadfield

Andy Hadfield

Andy Hadfield is a digital native (can’t remember life without the Internet) and is fascinated with the impact it is having on our lives and businesses. An entertaining and compelling personality, Andy...

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