1. Glenn Agliotti — best exponent of the in-box own goal ever?

2. Am I the only who finds the thought of two grown men walking around Sandton City buying each other clothes and accessories just a tad erm … otherwise?

3. In light of the Hans van Dyk “Hannibal Lecter of Ellis Park” incident, where are all the “Hungry lions take bite out province aspirations” headlines?

4. The police have been shooting people wrongfully/accidentally for years. Why the sudden opportunistic urge to attribute yesterday’s events to the call for cops to be more assertive?

5. Is Eskom for real?

6. UMkhosi woKweshwama is not going anywhere. Fact.

7. Julius. Who does the fascination/obsession with him reflect worse on, him or those who froth at the mouth at the mere mention of his name?

8. Wouldn’t you just love to see ET and Julius stuck in an elevator together after a heavy night out?

9. What is AfriForum’s view on the utterances by the AWB and their 16-year-old youth leader? The kid, something is very wrong with that situation.

10. Surreal is: Pres Zuma returning from Brazil without a new female companion. Send me there and I’d put a new twist to “strengthening bilateral ties”.

11. This misguided furore over ministerial car choices. Am I alone in thinking that if our ministers had opted for sensible cars instead of their preferred luxobarges they would have been criticised for publicity-seeking grandstanding? Damned if they do eh?


Siyabonga Ntshingila

Siyabonga Ntshingila

Siyabonga Ntshingila is a walking example of how not to go through life productively. Having been chanced his lackadaisical way through an education at one of the country's finest boys schools and a...

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