Now having established the leadership for the next five years, there will be pronouncements from the Policy Conference held earlier this year. More blah-blah-blah while the children starve.

Posturing by newly elected leaders taking responsibility for the implementation of policies, starts the promissory ball rolling, “these new leaders will deliver”.

Nonetheless this is an opportunity to record your leaders making promises and blackmail them with that proof until the leaders deliver on the promises. I would use a camera phone, its more discreet.

Generally, this is the opportunity to score big ticket gift items, in exchange for promises of helping the leaders to fulfil their promises.

Stay clear of anyone not in caucus, they are the carriers of a political disease called “Wilderness” it is career-ending, like nothing else.


Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender is the Chief Political Officer of MicroGene.

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