Posted inBusiness

On absurd predictions of a recession of the SA economy

The ailing US economy and collapse of leading financial institutions have driven global markets into a collective panic. The ills of globalisation are manifesting themselves in a most spectacular fashion. The interconnectedness of world economies is delivering not the promises of sustainable prosperity, but rather reversing the gains of protracted periods of imprudence. The price […]

Posted inGeneral

Perestroika, SA style

After eight years of the theatre of the absurd ordinary South Africans generally welcomed Kgalema Motlanthe’s address to the nation as a breath of sanity. After the denialism, delusions and paranoia of the Mbeki era, simple commonsense and goodwill has rarely sounded so good. But while we count our blessings, a note of caution should […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Is Gwede Mantashe fit to hold office of Secretary General of the ANC?

The office of the Secretary General of the ANC has previously been occupied by illustrious men of unquestionable intellect and character such as Sol Plaatjie (1876-1932), James Calata (1895-1983), Oliver Tambo (1917-1993), Duma Nokwe (1927-1978) and Walter Sisulu (1912-2003); men who upheld their duty to serve with determined purpose of unifying the membership of the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

‘Die rooi gevaar’: the very antithesis of democracy

Following the first phase of the Russian Revolution, Josef Stalin (1878-1953) engaged in a systematic propaganda campaign for the consolidation of power and assertion of authority, as well as establishing a heroic image of himself through expression of most dissolute flattery and unquestioning praise. Stalin was presented to the unsuspecting masses as “man of the […]

Posted inGeneral

Our time is coming …

The latest Human Science Research Council survey reveals that white South Africans are worried about the success of the 2010 World Cup. However, the survey also indicates “this by no means implies that they care less about hosting the mega event”. Furthermore, “at least 95% of white South Africans have consistently perceived there to be […]

Posted inLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

The threat of Indian globalisation

The last 30 years have seen a particular type of culture permeate the world. Driven by the microchip, fast food chains and David Hasselhof, this process has conceived an entity named globalisation. The economic and cultural mast of globalisation, (the naughty Americanised democracy-for-McDonalds version we all love to hate) has sown popular uprisings, iconic protests […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Liberal capitalists and the Wall Street bail-out: they’re quite clever, these people.

There are several questions about the proposed bail-out of the once most powerful capitalist institutions on Wall Street that have been quite bothersome. These questions are quite basic; they are shaped less by scholarly work or influence, than by a most basic perception of inconsistency, contradiction, double-standards and ideological bias on the part of the […]