Posted inGeneral

2010 offers signs of hope on the crime front

In the dead of night, the Durban city centre is not for the faint-hearted. Like many CBDs around the world, criminals use the cover of darkness to operate and soft-targets – like tourists – are particularly vulnerable. But for one wonderful weekend a few months ago, the port city was one of the safest on […]

Posted inNews/Politics

If only Barack Obama was a Republican

In 1964, three young civil rights workers were abducted by die-hard white supremacist rednecks in Mississippi and cold-bloodedly murdered. Their crime? Assisting blacks to register as voters. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner – one a black Mississippian and the other two Jewish human rights activists from New York – paid the ultimate price […]

Posted inGeneral

Magpie is a noisy bird

A new Twitter-based advertising service called Magpie was recently launched, giving Twitter users the opportunity to earn money in return for allowing adverts to be posted in their Twitter stream between updates. So if someone you follow has signed up to Magpie, these ads will appear in your timeline, under their username, but prefaced with […]

Posted inGeneral

Bok emblem: here comes trouble

Here comes trouble — big trouble — as in, “Come in Houston we have a problem.” You remember the Sports Indaba in Durban three weeks ago and then the brouhaha about the Springbok and who owns the trademark, which caught SA Rugby napping and which gave rise to such high-pitched shrill screaming from both sides? […]

Posted inBusinessMediaTech

Developing online ventures in SA

Ideas are free. Developing them into viable businesses, not so much. Developing them into viable online businesses…well…take a number. Especially if you live in South Africa. Entrepreneurs with exciting new ideas for online ventures usually have two problems: 1. They are unable to get funded for the first stage of developing their product 2. Their […]