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How do you explain doping?

Performance-enhancing substance (PES) use in sport is most likely the chief source of distress 1 facing sport in modern times 2. According to Clisby 2, the use of drugs to boost performance is common among athletes, despite strong efforts to hamper its use by sports organisations. The Olympic Charter’s vision of “friendship, solidarity and fair […]

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Where are our democratic leaders?

Fifteen years into our young democracy and democratic leadership is severely lacking and sorely needed. Across all sectors in society, from the halls of Parliament, the lawns of our academic institutions, the fertile fields of our farmlands and in company boardrooms, it seems as though democratic leaders are either lacking altogether or incredibly thinly spread. […]

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The African Union: A club of convenience

By Dr Michael ‘Buchi Eze The ideological platitude on which the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and later African Union (AU) came into being was primarily to challenge colonialism, neutralise any lingering influence of imperialism and gain political independence for the rest of Africa. Thus Kwame Nkrumah in the heydays of independence struggle echoed this […]

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The financial crisis and rise of pseudo-socialists

In Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy Joseph Schumpeter makes an observation that may prove rather sobering for the pseudo-socialist peddlers of “vulgarised Marxism”. He says The Communist Manifesto is “an account nothing short of glowing of the achievements of capitalism”. Karl Marx noted that the bourgeoisie “accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts and Gothic […]

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Racism and the power of apology

The Chinese worker suddenly and loudly laughed at me as I strode under my umbrella into the parking lot where our apartment building is on Beijing West road in downtown Shanghai. He stood directly in front of me and laughed, smirking at me: it was a loud, mocking, donkey’s bray. He shouted something at his […]

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The sympathetic meeting of minds in ICT4D efforts

Being a communicator and debating knowledge is probably a central (and mostly subconscious) concern of most skills and traits. Sadly though, it seems that the skill of interpersonal communication or facilitating the “sympathetic meeting of minds” is only briefly fondled by most formal programmes; often only as an “add-on” or an “optional extra”. Most of […]

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Battle of the giants II

A while back I wrote about the Battle of the Browsers between Opera’s Opera, Google’s Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox versus Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. From the look of things, the axis of good have won with the recent announcement by Microsoft that they will be shipping Windows 7 to Europe without IE. It just makes me […]