The rise of feminism in the early 19th century was inspired by subjugation of the rights of women and the need to promote the ideals of equality among women and men; the advocacy of their political and legal rights as well as their interests; and the need to trounce male chauvinism. Over the years, there has generally existed between conservative men and feminists a love-hate relationship. Feminists offended and unsettled the foundations upon which male ego was fostered.

While the noble ideals of feminism are commendable, the advocacy of equality requires close examination if we are to advance the peaceful co-existence of humanity in general. It is important to note that the large multitudes of men support the feminist campaign for equality of treatment. However, the law of nature reveals that equality is limited. Equality among all species is not something preordained by God.

There is a natural condition that has been accepted by all, that human beings are equal in their fundamental humanity and moral worth, yet irreconcilably unequal in material conditions, virtues, faculties and exertions. It is a contention difficult to dispute.

Feminists are of the firm belief that men and women are equal; something I find difficult to appreciate in the same manner that I contest the notion of equality among men. Of two individuals, there will emerge one with superior qualities to the other, whether it is wisdom or character. Such superiority is not limited to any particular gender, but is unsystematically dispersed among all of us. There is a greater probability of coming in contact with a blonde airhead as you would with an imbecile like Malema.

The classical Greek philosopher Plato held that men were naturally unequal and therefore should be treated unequally in society, which is absolute rubbish. Plato believed that attempts to treat men equally were doomed for failure as they find their natural level. It is this preposterous philosophy that inspired white supremacy and advancement of slavery and systematic oppression of black people. Any claim of superiority based on race cannot hold.

When engaging in discourse about equality, it is vital for feminist activists to elucidate what form of equality ought women to enjoy, as no two individuals can be equal in the manner I have attempted to explain. No sane man would contest their promotion of equality of treatment; as he would not among all men and all races.

I would like to believe that the equality that feminists demand for women is the political and legal equality in which none should enjoy a privileged position affording them authority over others. We would be doing great disservice to ourselves if we demanded equality in status, influence, wisdom, character, etc. Most of these disparities are more pronounced in a capitalist society of ours as they would under a socialist society, as often they are a function of, but not limited to, material inequality.

Abigail Adams (1744 -1818), wife of the second president of the US John Adams, threatened that, “if particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.” You would be excused for thinking Vavi and Malema by some miracle shared blood lineage with that woman; fortunately our constitution promotes non-racialism and non-sexism.


Sentletse Diakanyo

Sentletse Diakanyo

Sentletse Diakanyo's blogs may contain views on any subject which may upset sensitive readers. Parental guidance is strongly advised.

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