On a serious note. When Pravin Gordhan and the others were elevated to sainthood by the White Inc it wasn’t for liking them or thinking there was something special about them. It was a calculated move to further divide an already fractured ANC. And on that score they, with our assistance, have succeeded brilliantly.

For this, we all have to hang our heads in shame.

This fight is not about corruption. It’s a fight for the further protection for white privilege and monopoly.

I don’t for one minute believe all the claims going around of Pravin being a White Inc agent. He and the others merely allowed themselves to be used by WMC. Maybe they believed it was the only way to correct what is wrong in the Movement but I beg to differ. If they believed so much in what they believe is right they should have corrected things in the NEC and in Cabinet. Yet they continued blissfully serving under the same man they were calling corrupt and a thief.

How do you fight corruption while serving at the pleasure of the person you claim is central to that corruption? They should have used their powers in both the NEC and Cabinet to force the President to resign. Failing which they should have resigned themselves. But they found it tenable to serve under an apparent corrupt thief. What does that say about them?

I shed no tear for any of the fired Cabinet ministers. In fact I believe more should have been fired. No president can be expected to keep soldiers who won’t fight for him. If they don’t make their move as they must, then they must suffer the consequences.

What you can not do is go around calling your boss a thief but not doing anything against him. You then become responsible for him being there.

The Gupta narrative was and is simply a red herring used brilliantly to distract us. The Guptas are no different from monopoly capital. They are new players trying to muscle in in a space long preserved only for the White Inc.

There is no better devil here; the Guptas and the Ruperts et al are all parasites getting fat on the blood of the poor people of this nation. It’s like drug smugglers setting the police on a mule carrying a small amount of drugs while a much bigger shipment passes through unhindered.

My problem is when we want to fight the minuscule player and leave the monopoly untouched. Nothing will change in the sphere of state capture by removing just the Guptas. Disrupt the whole show by targeting all of them if you are sincere about it.

Stop getting distracted by inconsequential fights designed to shield real culprits.

My position remains unchanged. The ANC is haemorrhaging votes badly and it seems the only way to stop that is to effect immediate radical change in the organisation.

Removing just the president will not solve anything. The whole NEC must go. They have failed dismally in directing the fortunes of the organisation and they have failed to protect the ANC from both the external enemies and from itself.

The last elections should have been a clear call to the NEC to immediately take responsibility through action, not just though press statements.

Clearly, we didn’t learn anything from that because we are still reactive, arrogant and presumptuous towards the electorate.

We need to all take responsibility by taking action to save the ANC and the country. Otherwise we will be blaming Julius for giving us a DA president in 2019.


Nco Dube

Nco Dube

Despite his full-time duty of being a father to two girls and one boy, Nco Dube spends ample time fulfilling his passion for reading and writing. He is not a journalist but he writes from the heart, from...

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