Ask any marketer about his email marketing endeavours and you’ll hear about click through rates, A/B testing, spam prevention, double opt in, legal compliance and what not. Clearly, this is big business and if it’s something you’re familiar with, you will no doubt appreciate the cost of time, skills and expertise required for it to be one of the most successful marketing tactics available today. The fact remains there is no easy solution or short cut to success.

Look closer and you will find at your fingertips a more convenient and powerful medium that can deliver targeted marketing messages in real time. Until now we have simply referred to it as everyday email, something people do for hours on end when communicating with customers, prospects and suppliers on a daily basis.

Imagine we could integrate our everyday email with a powerful and intelligent marketing platform. It would instantly become a cost-effective, self-owned marketing medium through which we can drive our sales pitches, advertising campaigns and any other form of marketing messages available.

Everyday email has the advantage of being the strongest permission based communications medium available connecting both purposefully and organically with its target audience. It also reaches virtually 100% of its intended recipients and enjoys trust and integrity between sender and receiver. Integrated everyday email marketing software enables businesses to use these incredible benefits to their advantage.

Add to this the fact that the importance and relevance of everyday business email is increasing as people are starting to use email less for personal communications, relying instead on texting, tweeting and postings on Facebook, but more for B2B, B2C, and C2B communications because of its strong permission base and control over the inbox. In fact research shows that everyday email has become the consumers´ preferred channel for communications with companies and brands.

The added advantage is that it allows us to integrate all of our advertising formats into everyday email to further increase the versatility of our emails and returns on our marketing investments.

Everyday email’s inherent qualities coupled with integrated everyday email marketing software empowers businesses to mobilize its entire staff complement into sales and marketing mode with the ability to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time, all of the time. In effect there is no limit whatsoever to your advertising budget.


Henré Rossouw

Henré Rossouw

Henré is the product sales and conversion commentator for Rocketseed South Africa, an e-marketing company that integrates its custom built software to optimize regular business emails with interactive...

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