I swore off social media rubbishcapades more than a decade ago. I still have all my records from the early and mid 90s regarding my orders for a social media. I still listen to all my records from the mid and late 90s regarding my orders for a Web 2.0 and a social media. I still read all my records from the early and mid noughties regarding my orders for students to start social media websites. I still hear all my records from the mid and late noughtiess regarding my orders for social media applications. However since the FIFA World Cup 2010 I haven’t been trawling social media platforms as before.

The other day I read an article on my news feed about Helen Zille (or should I say @helenzille) starting a storm on Twitter when she retweeted a cartoon about race generalisations. The cartoon was funny and poignant. It raised a number of relevant arguments including, but not limited to; the stereotyping of persons based on race, the perceptions of persons based on race and the interactions of persons based on race. Needless to say, it became a subject of much discussion as tweets flowed on all sides of the debate. Some lauded her for standing up against race generalisations and some criticizing her for tolerating race generalisations.

Jerm Cartoon

This started a thought that led to me deciding that if a minor tweetstorm constituted news, then not only have I succeeded in reshaping modern communications, but I have also succeeded in retuning modern politics. This means that I need to participate, because the playing field has been adjusted, it is no longer the same playing field that I experienced in the late 80s and early 90s. Mindful of this, I remembered that I have a older, existing Twitter account, twitter.com/avishkar which records the dates that I died to pay for the FIFA World Cup 2010; notwithstanding the fact that I spent the time before, during and after the FIFA World Cup 2010 being 123, being BF and being A, AG, AP, PG, AK, KG, APG and AKG to pay for the FIFA World Cup 2010.

In any event this account also records the date that I swore off social media rubbishcapades, in 2010, so it has a certain hallmark value for me, as well as the date that I deleted, in 2008, my ThoughtLeader posts possessed as I was of the belief that they were in fact puerile. I had two other false starts, and subsequent mass deletions, on ThoughtLeader before finding my groove in late 2008. I have been an errant blogger since then, with a complete hiatus in the intervening decade. However my latest project which I will reveal to you in the new year has had me quite busy of late on wordpress.com where I have created a number of aggregation sites.

The thing is that I have ideas and thoughts which do not lend themselves to being written up as blogposts. Short messages which I could send out on SMS or WhatsApp but which would seem completely out of context or worse just plain random. Therefore I have started a Twitter account, in the name “123 | Dieuf Dieul“, and have chosen the handle, “@WorkIsSalvation“. Thusfar I have only posted two comments on someone else’s tweet, and would like to discuss these with you now. The tweet in question was:

And my contributions were:

This land is our land
This land’s not your land
We stole it first and
Won’t give it back
We robbed the Khoi&San
Of their land and
Now we claim to
Be indigenous in fact


You raped my wife
With your black shlong
And now our life
Seems ever so wrong
She won’t love me
And swears it’s too small
But I wonder Mr Bang
Whether you’ve ever been called
Bitchejie by a prison gang
While being raped all along?

The first speaks to the truth that the Bantu people are settlers in South Africa. They came from up north, outside of South Africa and settled in South Africa. They stole the land they occupied from the Khoi and the San people who are the indigenous people of South Africa. The Bantu people of South Africa factually never occupied all or even the majority of the land in South Africa. When the Europeans arrived and settled in South Africa, they conquered the Khoi and the San people, conquered the Bantu people and seized the land that was occupied by the Khoi and the San people and the Bantu people. That is all of the land except for the land that was given to the Europeans. Now the Bantu people, apart from denying the Khoi and the San people their entitlement to recognition as the indigenous people of South Africa, are claiming to be indigenous people of South Africa themselves, which they are not; and are claiming to be entitled to compensation for the loss of “their” land, which they aren’t. In the history of time there has never been compensation for those that have been defeated or conquered. To the victor go the spoils.

The second speaks to the reality that the tyranny of male-on-female violence for the most part goes unpunished and if left unchecked will require a sort of street justice for the victims to have any solace. It is disingenuous to argue that they majority of rapists are black, because the majority of men are black, so that was always going to be the case. The post goes on to highlight the fact that the victims of male-on-female violence never really recover from their trauma, and never really readjust to normal life, while the perpetrators seemingly feel like such champions for having demonstrated power over the fairer sex. Finally the post suggests that an appropriate punishment is for rapists to be raped as Bitchejies in prison by prison gangs.

Hereinafter I’m not going to blog about tweeting, but I will tweet links to my blog posts, so please engage with me on Twitter and let us have relevant discussions. Finally, please follow me on Twitter, I find that these posts are colder now that there are no comments allowed. On Twitter they allow comments. I think that you will find that Twitter is good. On Twitter you can retweet content that you like. I think that you will agree that Twitter is the best. On Twitter people share opinions in short messages. I think you will enjoy using Twitter. Because the grass is always better smoking on the other social media.

I maintain an aggregation site for my Twitter activities at avishkartwitter.wordpress.com for more information.


Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender is the Chief Political Officer of MicroGene.

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