Everyone knows that it’s about who you know and not what you know.. Being someone who is heavily involved in the online market, I’m continually dropping tweets, answering friend requests and plugging away at my keyboard on myriad instant messaging services.

Over the past several months, I’ve seen people in the new media trade, hurrying to make as many contacts as they can. Every single day, searching through social networks to befriend people who might, one day, be able to add value to their ventures. With social networks such as Facebook, Bebo, MySpace and LinkedIn, amongst others, it’s possible to acquire hundreds, if not thousands, of friends/connections with a few clicks of the mouse. Let’s not forget the power of blogs either!

When last did you look at some of the people in industry who are friends with you and take note of the people they are connected to? Sometimes on Facebook, I click to people and realize that we have more than 50 friends in common, of which most of them I’ve only met once or never even met! Whether it’s looking for someone to hire or someone to do some work for you, the social networks provide us with a free and easy medium to get our news/requirements out to a large number of people, which in turn is essentially driving our companies!

My question is simple: Is this going to saturate the market even more, or will it lead to a point where everyone is actually working together to produce business initiatives? Positive or negative, what do you think?


Christopher Mills

Christopher Mills

Christopher Mills is the Founder and Director of iMod Digital, a cutting edge Digital Marketing Agency based in Cape Town, South Africa.

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