Cosatu is planning another protest, a core domain of this useless trade union movement; a protest apparently against escalating food, electricity and oil costs. By some miracle this idiotic protest is intended to alleviate the plight of the poor who are enduring greatest strain during these testing economic conditions. Protest marches in the past have been characterised by violence, looting, intimidation and murderous acts committed by ruffians that make up the membership of these trade unions.

There has been utter disrespect of the rights of those wishing not to be accessories to acts of criminality that often are the highlights of these protest marches. During the height of apartheid, those considered collaborators with the repressive Nats regime were often roasted alive by taunting and laughing mobs of criminals disguised as freedom fighters and discrediting the liberation struggle.

The same abhorrent apartheid victim mentality is ever present among many of those led like sheep by brainless trade unionists. They remain set in their revolting ways of coming together with a common criminal purpose. When Karl Marx clamoured for workers of all lands to unite, he was rallying them for common good. No explanation can excuse the murderous acts we witnessed during the Metrobus strike led by Cosatu affiliate trade unions.

“What kind of society are we building and what moral lessons we are imparting when insults, violence against fellow workers and damage to property become the stock-in-trade during protests of this kind?” President Thabo Mbeki asked this very important question on the occasion of his address of the National Assembly in 2007.

Are these criminals a law unto themselves? Why are our police forces unable to prevent these acts of hooliganism? This may sound more like a tricky question since the involvement of the police in acts of criminality is nothing that arouses shock in South Africans.

The intentions of Cosatu are very suspicious, since their rantings will do nothing to influence the price of oil, food and even electricity. What is their motivation for causing disruption and being a nuisance to every member of society? Cosatu has not put forward any convincing or sensible proposals before authorities for consideration in order to assist those they purport to represent.

According to Karl Marx, “The Communists … have no interests separate and apart from those of the proletariat as a whole. They do not set up any special principles of their own, by which to shape and mould the proletarian movement … they point out and bring to the front the common interests of the entire proletariat … they always and everywhere represent the interests of the movement as a whole.”

Trade unions around the world are inspired by the communist philosophy of Marx and Lenin, including our useless Cosatu; yet the interests of those in leadership positions appear increasingly to be separate from the very workers they claim to represent. Hooligans are deployed to the streets as pawns used to create a false impression that indeed the concerns of workers receive favourable consideration. While workers starve, the leadership of their trade union movements struggle against bloating waistlines.

While the leadership of Cosatu expects to “shut down three provinces” today (16 July 2008), they should individually expect to face the wrath of the law should their followers resort to acts of criminality!

“Workers unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains!”


Sentletse Diakanyo

Sentletse Diakanyo

Sentletse Diakanyo's blogs may contain views on any subject which may upset sensitive readers. Parental guidance is strongly advised.

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