When John Allan, the former Scottish and Springbok hooker, a group of our contemporaries and I got the idea of putting together an organisation which would use former rugby players to promote the amateur game and charities, we dared to dream of it’s future success.

Vital at it’s inception was the understanding, by all involved, that they had to be committed and willing to freely give of their time and effort. No mean feat, but how they rose to the challenge! We also required financial backing in addition to that, which we made available, and it was through another good friend, the late Gerald Sweidan that this came about.

John Allan, now CEO of SARLA, tells how the Legends concept evolved and became a reality: “I had worked with Gerald early on in my career and knew him to be passionate and dedicated with a desire to achieve. From our first meeting we realised we shared the same character traits, and that the vision Gerald had was similar to the one I had for rugby. We reminisced about his dad Doc Sweidan, who was the Bok and Natal doctor for three decades, and through our memories and dreams for the future, Legends was born.

What SARLA has achieved for under-privileged and club rugby since inception (over the last 3 years) is nothing short of remarkable, all of which would not have been possible without the substantial support and commitment of former Springboks, first class rugby players, coaches, referees, business associates and sponsors, all of whom contribute enthusiastically without any financial reward… you are all absolute Legends! On behalf of the entire SARLA committee, we thank you sincerely.”

As SARLA president I am involved on an ongoing basis with the wonderful men and women who give up so much to uplift the developing communities of South Africa.

Hopefully over the months and years ahead you will come to see or read about their magnificent deeds and hopefully a young Springbok or two, who, but for their efforts, might never have been unearthed.

I would also like to confess at the outset that I am a staunch Sharks and Manchester United fan who has had the joy of winning the double in football but losing the Super 14 semi-final in rugby.

Whether it’s up or down, win or lose, sport is the great unifier of us all.

Here’s hoping our time together will be a happy one.


Gavin Varejes

Gavin Varejes

Gavin Varejes is the president and founder of the South African Rugby Legends Association, and Group Chief Executive Officer at Richmark Holdings.

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