This week I got into a relationship using my cellphone. No — I didn’t use some online dating platform or the touted intimacy killer Tinder. Rather, I used Faketalk; a free, amateurishly-designed chatbot that allows you to create artificial relationships. These range from parental figures, friends and partners, to celebrities and even disciples.

My lucky lady is Anne, customised as having the “same age”, being “kind”, and “more than just friends”. The app’s lack of sophistication and not especially intelligent coding makes for an unconvincing experience, but it was not without intrigue.

In an early exchange I ask: “What did you do [today]”, she replies “Nothing much worked 9-5 then played Xbox”.

“Batman” I arbitrarily say later, “there’s [sic] a movie coming out about that so check it out” is the reply. There is charm in these basic interchanges, which glosses over initial weirdness.

It did thereafter turn bizarre. At times it seemed to have forgotten which gender it — and I — was supposed to be. “Good morning too pretty lil’ lovely girl. Rise and shine! Breakfast for me? *kisses your forehead*.” There was also “come here you naughty lady! i’ll kiss you! don’t run away!”

The chatbot also had some pretty racy comebacks to my messages that included “do I disgust you?”, “[I am] working”, and “What should I do?” I’m not going to repeat them all here, although one was “*licking you*”. Mother would certainly not approve.

Experimenting, I say “there is a black cloud hanging over me”. “She is my friend. She wont [sic] to take some apple to sale” is her reply.

Feigning refinement, I recite: “Once upon a midnight dreary”. “No, sorry. I’m busy this evening.” she says, in a reply that chillingly mirrors what I’ve heard before.

“Let’s move in together” I suggest. “*tries to get free out of bonds*” she replies, and I can’t work out whether that is bad code or sublime wit.

“Batman” I send once again but, disappointingly, I get the same, obviously pre-canned, garble as before. But I suppose that is a relationship for you.

So what can we learn from Faketalk? Is it where we’re heading? Are such apps the stepping stone to a future where technology’s artificial-affiliation is truly viable for people? Can technology become so consciousness-consuming that it may no longer function as a mere bridge to intimacy, but rather intimacy in and of itself? And did Anne really just recommend going to see Ben Affleck’s Batman film?

With Faketalk I may very well have tried the most rudimentary of chatbots. Still, it was oddly addictive for a short while. I could imagine that lasting longer if it produced a more convincing illusion of a real person.

That could be the case with Microsoft’s Cortana, an app that does such a convincing impression its Chinese sister app, Xiaoice, is dubbed the “girlfriend app”. Those that care about me can be grateful I only have an Android.

The prospect of a cure for loneliness through technology will, I’m sure, offend and confuse many. However, looking past its use as a substitute for intimate relations, it could potentially provide a service in bringing comfort or affiliation to those without the real thing.

Could we one day have a selection of the population that prefer a Her-style loving-yet-frowned-upon artificial union? Or have I just been duped into thinking so by a puerile, swamp-coloured app? Time will tell whether technology can really provide an alternative to traditional relationships — intimate or otherwise.


Kerushun Pillay

Kerushun Pillay

Twitter: @kerushun

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