At the tender age of nine, Alec Greven has figured out what most men will spend the rest of their lives puzzled and perplexed by … namely, how to talk to girls.

This is the title of his first book that has reached the top thirty on the Amazon best seller list and is set to become a major Hollywood film. Not bad for something that started out as a grade 3 essay assignment.

So, what’s so appealing about a nine-year-olds ideas on dating? For a start they are incredibly accurate and useful. Some of his pointers on how to attract girls are to “try to look kind of clean“, “stop showing off” and “go easy on the compliments,

But then apart from the simple practicalities of getting girls to like you, there are also some timeless gems of wisdom hidden in the books pages. Alec advises his readers to be wary of pretty girls. “It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewellery. Pretty girls are like cars that need a lot of oil. The best choice for most boys is a regular girl.”

He also knows that love can be a hard game. “Sometimes, you get a girl to like you, then she ditches you. Life is hard, move on! Or sometimes it just doesn’t work out. I had a crush on a girl in preschool. Then my family had to move, so I had to let her wash out of my mind.”

Alec is still single for the moment as he says he’s “a little too young”. He doesn’t advise falling in love until “at least middle school” cause after all, dating (ie going out for dinner without your parents) is for “kind of old people” who are 15 or 16.


Ariel Goldberg

Ariel Goldberg

Ariel is an engineering graduate. He has never taken apart a washing machine or opened up a VCR. He studied engineering because he enjoyed maths and science... and because he wanted to know why buildings...

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