After a couple of weeks of development we’re putting the finishing touches on a brand-spanking new feed reader: yes, the internet does in fact need yet another feed aggregator! If you have time to spare please check it out and let us know if everything works anything breaks.

We now need a name for the app and maybe you can help. The feed reader (code named ‘Seymour’) is, as its name implies, a RSS and Atom aggregator. Create an account, copy-and-paste a feed from a site, and presto: updates from all your favourite sites in one place.

User-generated naming conventions

As the code will be released under an open-source license, we thought it would be nice to get ideas for a name from the people ‘out there’: what do you think a good name would be for an app like this? Can you help?

A couple of guidelines apply:

  • The name should refer to ‘feed’, ‘read’, ‘aggregate’ and/or related meanings.
  • We would really like to use the .me TLD, unless you come up a workable alternative.
  • The name should be self-explanatory, meaningful and catchy.
  • If possible the name should have ‘verb potential’.
  • The domain must be available.

Tall order eh? The kicker is that all the good names are taken — so please check for availability if you know how to do that. The first (most obvious) name we came up with was ‘’ but that domain has already been taken. So much for that idea. Coming up with an available name isn’t that easy in this day and age; for the right one we’re even willing to ignore all the guidelines – except of course the last one.

Naming and bragging rights

If you come up with the goods we gladly offer the following in return:

  • Bragging rights and ensuing online immortality
  • A mention in the credits
  • Many, many karma points that money can’t buy
  • A fuzzy, feel-good feeling whenever you check for updates

How will we judge the suggestions? We’re quite sure we’ll know the winner when we see it. Post your ideas in the comments below, or get in touch via Seymour.


Alan Alston

Alan Alston

Alan is co-founder and creator of micro-site builder Tank: a simple content-management app geared towards making the internet a better place, one site at a time. He...

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