Thought Leader is pleased to announce an exciting partnership with Ukuzibuza, a platform that was created by highschool students during the Covid-19 lockdown. Through this partnership, we will be running an essay competition under the name Hear Our Voices. This competition is an opportunity for young South Africans to enter pieces in which they can express their ideas, opinions and insights. A collection of all the essays submitted will be published on, and winning pieces will be published on Thought Leader under the Hear Our Voices banner, with a chance to be published in the Mail & Guardian newspaper.

The prompts for the competition are:

  1. How do art and social justice influence each other?
  2. At this moment, where and how do we find purpose in our lives?
  3. An open letter to government officials.


Essays may not be longer than 1000 words.

Responses to the prompts should be original and thought-provoking pieces – we encourage you to use your imagination and your own voice.

Write your piece as you see fit but back up any statements presented as fact with a link to the reference or research/studies.

Be willing to open up areas for debate.

At the top of each article, please include a decent, high resolution profile photo of the author, a 30-word biography, and an e-mail address.

Please indicate which prompt you have chosen and give your piece a unique title.

To enter

Submit your piece here at Ukuzibuza no later than 16 May 2021, and where the form asks for a category, select ‘Hear Our Voices.’

Three pieces chosen by Ukuzibuza editors will be sent on to Thought Leader for publication. Pieces that are truly outstanding stand a chance of being featured in the Mail & Guardian newspaper.

Direct any queries to  [email protected]


Thought Leader Editor

Thought Leader Editor

The Editor

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