Fidel Castro, struggle hero and inspirational leader of the poor and oppressed of the world, has stepped down as President of Cuba after almost 50 years of heroic leadership.

Under his leadership, Cuba has been a shining symbol of hope for the workers and poor people of the world. The government has consistently put the interests of the people first and proved to the world that national liberation, democracy and socialism are not just words in speeches but can become a living reality. He has proved that there is an alternative to capitalism and imperialism and has kept the banner of socialism flying high.

In a world in which monetarist capitalism is being doubted, and where some fear the inroads being made by giant corporations in monopolising wealth and the means of production, Cuba stands out.

JP Morgan recently employed Tony Blair to advise the bank on the “political and economic changes that globalisation brings”. The bank said he had a “unique perspective” and that he would advise the bank by “drawing on his immense international experience to provide the firm with strategic advice and insight on global political issues and emerging trends”.

“Our firm will benefit greatly from his knowledge and experience,” the bank said. Perhaps the banks and corporations of the world should consider seeking advice and direction from Fidel Castro, who certainly has a “unique perspective” and “immense international experience”.


Bilal Randeree

Bilal Randeree

Bilal is a South African journalist with Al Jazeera English in Doha, Qatar.

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