Companies, no I should say the industry giants, are shaping the way we interact with the world. If you think about it for a moment, a good example is Apple, you can clearly see this curated world by the fact that the Apple App Store computing process is mostly closed. This obviously causes its own debates but that’s another post.

Apple has very popular devices and over the years has built itself up to be a massive player in this technology arena. The whole thinking around curated computing is about giving a consumer what they want, remove what is not necessary. Apple has lead this trend and more companies are following along.

The idea that less is more is important especially around content, people are actively adapting for the technology they use. Their mobile device is the single item they cannot live without. But that being said it should still be pointed out that a laptop can do so much more that a mobile phone yet where the mobile fails it more than makes up by providing amazing portability and a super easy user interface.

Take yourself back to the first mobile you purchased, it had to come with a manual, you had to charge it for 16 hours and so on and so on it went. Pick up an Apple device and there is no manual, you just know how it works. You are receiving the curated experience.

We also know that this curated experience is not new, a GPS is designed to do just one thing and do it really well. This is going to greatly influence the digital world, it means our digital world is getting intelligent in a strangely comforting way.


Eugene Chetty

Eugene Chetty

Having started in IT at a very young age, I now happily have more than 10 years in digital, working with some of the best and most loved brands in South Africa and globally. I have a key interest in mobile...

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