Trying to get your website to perform well? It’s not easy to grab the traffic you need in order to turn a profit but it’s not impossible either, provided you are using a sound strategy to help you out.

What it’s going to take is making sure you have solid link building, which is not only going to get you good rankings in top search engines like Google but also going to hold up over the long term.

This is no easy task and a big reason why search engine optimisation is such a huge field today. For those who are serious about real quality, it’s very important to do all you can to get the very best in terms of high-quality links. Some of the very best link building is going to be in the form of article marketing. The reason for this is very simple and common sense: it gives your potential visitors value up front.

That is the focus of the new way of link building. When you stop and think that the value of the links you build is proportional to their relevance to the visitor and that if you want those visitors to click the link you need them to find it interesting, then you start to see the real value of articles.

Marketing is sometimes turned into some complex black art, especially when it comes to marketing online but by making sure you have quality links built, you will find that it is not so difficult. If you think about great articles, you will see that they are directly useful to those who are viewing them. People love reading quality information the same way they love visiting quality sites. Quality sites are going to be home to quality articles and the links in those articles are most likely going to lead to other quality sites.

Fairly simple, isn’t it?

This is what so many fail to grasp as they try to race up the search engines — and actually succeed — only to be knocked right back down or even sand boxed for their efforts.

If you want to rise above the rat race, you should consider the kind of link building that makes sense to your visitors because it really will pay off. All you have to do is be sensible about link building and stay sensitive to your visitors’ needs and desires.

They deserve good articles and when you give them that, they will be far more likely to come to your site prepared to embrace what you have to offer.


Yoav Tchelet

Yoav Tchelet

Yoav Tchelet currently manages the e-commerce division of Avis in South Africa. He has spent the better part of the last 10 years in various digital marketing roles and projects including founding a digital...

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