In 2004 a young John Smit is appointed Springbok Captain under new coach Jake White. The South African Rugby world is somewhat stunned and surprised because they know little of this new Bok captain, the 50th in history. The Boks win the Tri Nations and there no complaints, just compliments.

In 2008 our longest serving rugby captain John Smit is now under some pressure one feels to “own up” to the truth and bow out of rugby at the top, a World Cup champion and a winner of a Lions series.

I ask whose truth should he “own up” to? Why the complaints now? What has John done to deserve this treatment? Thankfully the Bok captain is having none of it by making it very clear that he and the elders want to win now more than ever. Good for you captain.

I will be honest though and say that at times I have felt that he needed to pull a John Travolta on us, reinvent himself in the rugby world. I’m not so sure he took up that challenge with much gusto.

The current Springbok head coach Pieter de Villiers certainly stunned some people and re-affirmed for others the position John Smit holds in his coaching eyes when he appointed him as the Bok captain for another season earlier in July.

Why did he do this? Simple — because De Villiers trusts him.

For a coach in a World Cup year trust in your on-field leader is paramount. It isn’t the time for the coach to change the skipper now. They year 2009 would have been De Villier’s last chance if he wanted to change the skipper.

Leadership is key at a World Cup and I espouse here that right now I do not believe there is any other rugby player selected for the coveted Bok team that can lead the team like the Pretoria Boys High old boy.

This warrior of a man has played 102 tests or thereabouts for South Africa. He has seen it all and at this year’s Rugby World Cup — which I seeing being open to anyone — his leadership skills will be valued.

Why do we complain so much in South Africa? I don’t hear the Kiwi’s calling for Richie Mcaw to go gently into that good night. The man is a warrior under the silver fern and is respected as one of New Zealand’s great rugby leaders. Why is John Smith not treated in the same way by the South African “fan”? Are we just looking for something to talk about?

We should be praising this man for the brave fight he continues and for the role he plays by representing South Africa as a good country where good people live.

He has signed for Saracens post-World Cup and rightly so. He has paid his school fees, earned his stripes and deserves the opportunity to go and experience rugby elsewhere in his twilight years.

What we need to do now though as a member of the Team of Millions is stand up for John, stand up for the champion and let him know that as fans we are not only behind the Boks but we believe in him and we trust him like the coach does.

For the sake of the whole I will say right here, John Smit, you are my captain and the Boks are my team. I support you and call on the rest of the Millions to do the same — go retain the William Webb Ellis and continue to make us proud to be passionate South African rugby supporters.

We are behind you! Go Boks!


Greg Hurvitz

Greg Hurvitz

Sport is an absolute passion, schools sport, sports management and the high performance science. I host the Breakfast show on 101.9ChaiFM and a the only School sports radio show in SA.

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