Clinton or Obama? The media seem to believe that Election ’08 is strictly a two-horse race, with the Republicans given nary a chance.

The question that’s being largely ignored, though, is whether the choice lies only between a black man and a white woman. Although I don’t follow American politics too closely — I loathe soap operas — it has bothered me for a while that it is taken for granted that when George shuffles off into the sunset the White House will automatically be occupied by a Democrat.

Then I ran across this article in the Aspen Times Weekly about the “Angry White Man”. While many Republicans are dismayed at McCain’s leftist views, come the end of the year when, as seems likely, they have to choose between him and the Democrat of choice, there’s not much doubt where their votes are going to fall.

If McCain comes up against Clinton, I’d say his chances are considerably better than they would be against Obama. The Billary pairing has loads of enemies on both sides of the political divide, and Hillary is loathed by many — whether left, right or centre — who would rather see Bill back in office than have to put up with the strident, calculating wife of Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend.

At the same time, those of a liberal bent who simply can’t stand the woman could find McCain’s leftish stance accommodating enough to allow them to vote for the man.

Whichever way the ball bounces, this election is going to be an enormously significant one in American history — perhaps the most important so far.


Gavin Foster

Gavin Foster

Durban photojournalist Gavin Foster writes mainly for magazines. His articles and photographs have appeared in hundreds of South African, American and British publications, and he's also instigated and...

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