Posted inLifestyleMedia

Christmas is sick!

Christmas is sick. Based largely on sun worship and Scandinavian pagan ritual, Christmas in some form has been with us for thousands of years. Christians muscled in on an existing winter solstice festival, slapped their prophet on the front cover, claimed a rather unlikely virgin birth and beat up anybody with their large holy armies […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyleMediaTech

Dear Telkom

By Danny Glenwright Dear Telkom, You dirty old monopoly, you. You really got me. I’m actually writing to congratulate you. You were in the running for a few weeks but today I made it official. You have taken the prize for the poorest service I’ve ever received. And considering I’m a journalist who has lived, […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

The digital hall of mirrors

The other morning I discovered that I no longer had 590 Facebook friends. I had 589. As you can imagine, I was devastated. Who had unfriended me? And why? What dreadful thing had I done to prompt such a drastic move? My thoughts circled through a range of possible explanations. Had somebody deleted their profile? […]

Posted inMedia

Who else is sick of these ads?

It struck me in the Sandton City parking garage of all places. Revelation is normally not associated with the area in front of the pay stations below the Fountain Court — usually one is too busy swearing because the machine keeps rejecting your R20 note — but Sandton City sells space on its lift doors […]