Posted inEqualityGeneralNews/Politics

Femen: From enthusiasm to disenchantment

A wave of popular interest and sympathetic media coverage helped the “radical” Ukrainian feminist movement Femen, known for their topless “attacks” on symbols of the “patriarchy” (religion, “dictators” and pornography) to expand rapidly into Western Europe, the Americas and several Islamic countries. Recently Femen announced triumphantly that “Femen” has topped “feminism” in the Google rankings. […]

Posted inGeneralHealth

The healing power of ice cream

  (This guy is a hero in my opinion. We could all learn from him.)   The phone conversation, as my dad, in the bed next door, recalls it, went something like this. “Hello?” “Hi, is this Jim? Where are you?” “No, it’s not Jim. I’m John, and I’m in hospital.” “Oh sorry, John, I […]

Posted inGeneral

The network: Towards a new way of life

In his insightful study of ancient philosophy, Philosophy as a Way of Life (Blackwell, 1995), Pierre Hadot disabuses one of the notion that philosophy was for the ancients what it has become in modernity (and postmodernity) since Kant, namely a specialised theoretical practice. Rather, he argues — citing many passages from ancient philosophers during the […]

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You don’t build a family with a stick

By Lorenzo Wakefield The title of this column is taken from a Zulu saying that contradicts Khaya Dlanga’s defence of the manner in which black parents discipline their children. Corporal punishment is a concept that was brought to Africa and South Africa by the British colonialist in the form of a common law defence of […]

Posted inGeneral

Exposure to music can help

In 2007 Philip de Villiers started his own music school, Born to be Famous. The school aimed to foster the talent of young South African musicians and help them achieve greatness. As part of their goodwill the school also awarded scholarships to talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds. “I felt a strong sense of duty and […]

Posted inGeneral

A feeding programme can help

Odette and Ebrahim Hossen are two remarkable people. Since February 2009 they have been running a community outreach and feeding programme in aid of those less fortunate in their community. They ensure that the Pietermaritzburg communities of Cinderella Park, Madiba, Tembalihle and Eastwood get a warm meal every Monday and Thursday. Their feeding programme ensures […]