Posted inGeneralMedia

“Tik” and transformation: Shooting up the wrong tree?

Co-authored by Kirsten Harris Richard Nixon declared the “war on drugs” in 1971. However it was Reagan who took the “war” to “the streets” by implementing a number of detrimental economic and social policies that further divided America along racial lines. Under Reagan’s leadership, Nancy Reagan implored nice middle-class white kids to “just say no” […]

Posted inGeneral

SPCA paint can help

When Jody Yong went to select a dog from her local SPCA in March this year, she was shocked at the state of the facilities – both that of the staff and the animals who call the Springs SPCA their home. Even if it is only till adoption or premature death do them part. Although […]

Posted inGeneralHealth

In the arms of the angel

We all need an “angel” now and again. Life gets in the way of our plans and dreams, and these angels offer an escape for a while, a respite from the real world, a safe place in our search for comfort. These angels are not your stereotypical spiritual beings, but the kind recorded in the […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Of walls and refugees

Well, hallelujah! Turkey has started to build a wall along its border with Syria. Guess what, most of the wall is 2m tall and in some stretches will be over 2.5m high. The first part of the wall will extend for over 900km. Walls separate people and break up families. Walls cut people off from […]

Posted inGeneral

Recycling can help

Not everyone knows this, but the people pushing their trolleys full of junk all over our cities, or trolley people as Rowen Anderson calls them, actually have method to their madness. Although they may not know it, these pioneers are pushing our country towards a first world culture of recycling when they collect the recyclables […]