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A dialogue of chameleons?

My view is that politicians are like chameleons: they change their skin colour depending on the environment that they want to adapt to. This is the case today as it was yesterday, with Zimbabwean politicians from all political formations. Suddenly Zanu-PF and the MDC are bed-fellows; they can together mislead the media, agree to media […]

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A slice for everyone?

Throughout this land and much of the sub-continent, ordinary people are hoping to cash in on the world’s biggest single-code sporting event. But four years after South Africa was granted the rights to host the 2010 World Cup, it is still unclear how a tournament that promises to generate billions of rands will help the […]

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Preparing to be awe-inspired at the Olympics

If watching the Olympics means enjoying events that blow you away because of the sheer athleticism, immense control, strength and amazing agility exhibited by the participants, then don’t miss the synchronised swimming, particularly the team competition. I’ve heard the arguments that synchro shouldn’t be at the Olympics because it isn’t a true “sport”. I counter […]

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Open letter to Sanzar: Deal or no deal

Gentlemen: Over the past 48 hours there have been a number of reports emanating from New Zealand and Australia concerning a hybrid tournament of the Super 14. Interesting proposals, but it clearly reveals the market is ready for change and that the Sanzar announcement last month of the expansion of the Super 14 finals to […]

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It’s not Oliver OR Madiba

Let me say upfront that I know that I am treading on dangerous ground. But by leaving things unsaid, we are saying something about those things. How many of you reading this know Oliver Tambo’s birthday? My guess is that not many. My anecdotal research has shown me that many of us know the birthday […]

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This piece of text is on an alternative medium

Although difficult to define accurately, alternative media can be seen as the use of tactile and non-mainstream media options in an effort to reach the increasingly elusive and all-important consumer. On hearing the word “alternative”, the first question that springs to mind — and rightfully so — is alternative to what? The answer to this […]

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Kevin Pietersen: To love or hate him?

Kevin Pietersen, the South African-born cricketer who will convince you that he is more English than South African, has ascended to the highest throne in English cricket. How ironic that this happens few weeks after I had bought a copy of his uninspiring book, Crossing the Boundary. Kevin takes the England captaincy at a time […]

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New Zealand launches pre-emptive strike in rugby

Why, oh why must South Africa always follow? The New Zealanders are on a path of reinventing rugby tournaments in the southern hemisphere. It is time SA Rugby snapped out of it and launched its own initiatives. Here is a report just in that will rock the rugby world. Unions keen on trans-Tasman rugby By […]

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Oh happy day!

Was it a penalty? Was it not? Who cares? The referee did not give it. Far be it for me to undermine the authority of those chosen by the guardians of the game of the masses to ensure that it is played within its spirit and regulations. In fact, I would go as far as […]

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Zuma brinkmanship takes hold

The recent reports of Mbeki’s alleged misdemeanours in the Sunday Times, along with the elevated rhetoric from those in the Zuma camp over the last week, have surprised and rightly concerned many. Rumours of Mbeki’s involvement in the arms deal have been whispered and deliberated in the corridors of ANC power for some time now, […]