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Dinokeng scenario points to truth of Blindness

By Coenraad Bezuidenhout Let me explain … The Dinokeng study, launched last month, suggests three scenarios for a South Africa of 2020. Together, these three imagined futures gesture that an engaged citizenry will be key to ensure a South Africa that shows sustainable progress through an effective state. We are fresh out of an election […]

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I am sick of my anti-terrorism kit

So I am standing behind all shapes, sizes, colours and obviously nationalities at Dubai International Mall, otherwise known as Dubai International Airport, waiting to surrender my boarding pass to get on this Emirates flight to Frankfurt. In front of me is a small family: an old woman flanked by her two sons. The woman wears […]

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Thanks Santana, for spoiling the homecoming

And so a week that started so well — with hype, hope and a fair sprinkling of glamour — ended rather limply, with Bafana showing all the attacking promise of a newborn gazelle charging a pride of lions. I mean, really, what was Santana thinking? You have millions glued to their seats, thousands crammed into […]

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Hardware meets webware

I’m excited to be able to share some info relating to a project we’re working on that makes it possible for vida e caffe patrons to access HipZone hotspots free of charge. This is all possible through an advertising platform that combines hardware with webware and that’s only the beginning of a whole new world. […]

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Review: Android is finally in SA

Last Monday I finally received the HTC Magic (also called the G2) — a phone I have long been looking forward to, not so much for the hardware, but for the operating system. This is Google’s second official iteration of Android, its open source mobile operating system. It comes included with a mini-USB charger, USB […]

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Nokia challenge update …

Nokia’s Sports Tracker service won the 2009 Best Something Award for IT Genius. So my feelings of frustration have mutated into a deep sense of shame and stupidity. If millions of other people around the world can co-ordinate their phone, get the HR monitor to work and upload their training diaries, why can’t I? But […]

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What technology do you have?

See here, get it right. We don’t need your charity. We don’t need your business and custom. In fact we don’t even need your tourism. What we need is for you, your people and their businesses to stop destroying our lives, our communities and our environment; to stop ripping us off on the sale of […]