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Chilliboy to get his due?

To be Mahlatse Ralepelle. “Chilliboy” to the okes. Talented schoolboy player with great leadership potential. Rose up the ranks smoothly enough, earning his stripes along the way and maturing into a better rounded player. Then out of the blue (a then) under-fire Jake White picks him to make a cheap political statement. Remember those days, […]

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Why it really is the beautiful game …

There were so many magnificent moments during the 2009 Confederations Cup — Mohamed Homos’s 40th minute header which handed Egypt a famous victory over Italy, the injury-time heroics from Kiwi keeper Glen Moss against Iraq that secured Bafana a semi-final spot and, of course, Katlego Mphela’s breathtaking equaliser against Spain at the death in Sunday’s […]

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PdV, a poor man’s Mourinho

I used to look forward to every Bok coach press conference, eagerly anticipating each magnificent metaphor that leapt forth from that equally magnificent ‘tache. But lately Peter de Villiers has rivalled even the great Julius in putting his foot in it. His pearls of wisdom have become serious bones of contention, and indeed his mutterings […]

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Let’s talk women

Enough about the Confederations Cup now. Let’s talk women. Seriously, I’ve heard a lot of “oooh, he is so cute” to last me until the 2010 World Cup. And I’m not player hating. So, Sis Ria Ledwaba once suggested that women footballers should wear skirts and look more like women. It seems Bra Irvin Khoza […]

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If only I knew my football better than my beer

A friend of mine won an autographed Bafana Bafana T-shirt. There were 20 glasses of different beers. Could he pick out Castle Lager? He did, and he won. I so wish winning was that simple, because I would probably be a gambling addict. So then, what would it take for one to have the guts […]

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The doctors’ hypocritical oath

It would seem that the doctors in the public health sector have rediscovered their mission which has always been to betray poor people. In the years of the anti-apartheid struggle medical doctors were not, necessarily, part of the political work to bring democracy and health rights for all. There were very few of them who […]

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1968 or 1989?

In the latest issue of TIME magazine, Martin Ivens laments the fact that 1968 seems to be valorised as a watershed year to a far greater extent than 1989. The first of these dates marks the student uprisings in Paris, the US and elsewhere, as well as any number of movements associated with it — […]

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British and Irish Lions can only blame themselves

The British and Irish Lions got it wrong. South Africa may have played a terrible 70 minutes in the second Test on Saturday, but they proved they are worthy world champions by coming from the depths of defeat to overcome tough opposition. Granted, Ian McGeechan’s side were dealt a major blow when both their props […]

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Iran: Nuclear ambitions and options

In what seems as a move away from previous calls by Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran made a conditional offer of dialogue to the new American administration in Washington saying it was ready for “talks based on mutual respect and in fair atmosphere”. This statement comes following American overtures towards Iran saying the US is […]