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Referees deserve their due and our respect

Rugby is acknowledged as one of South Africa’s “big three” when it comes to discussing professional sports. The game, plus football and cricket, forms the triangle of opportunity where a person can make a decent living, if not more. If you had to draw up a list of ingredients necessary for a game of rugby […]

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The Hitler dollar

Have you ever read Mein Kampf? I did. At school. Okay, I didn’t finish it but I did take it out the library. How bizarre is that? It was readily available in my school library. There on the shelf in the Non-Fiction section. Yes, in the Non-Fiction section. Makes you wonder about that word. But […]

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Oy vey, I recant!

Okay, wow, several lessons learned! I apologise to those in the blogging community whom I have mortally offended, by all means keep my post as a prime example of what not to do as an introductory text and show it to your friends and admirers with glee. Having never done anything like this in the […]

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The pragmatics of love

Not too long ago, I wrote two pieces on love for Thought Leader, and because of events in my own life the subject has been on my mind again lately. These events have compelled me to take a serious look at what one might call “the pragmatics of love”, because, no matter how convincing some […]

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Sports contracts: Are they binding or not?

I am not a law expert so I wouldn’t mind if law experts would chip in and help me where I am lacking or fill in with more details. How binding are sports contracts? In every profession, the employer would like you to fulfil certain duties that drive his business or company forward but that […]

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Religious belief is more logical than atheism

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. These words were put by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle into the mouth of his most-celebrated creation, Sherlock Holmes, and for me they provide a useful way of approaching the deepest mystery of all — is our universe and all that is […]

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Doping in sport: An ethical perspective

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a document in April 2005 on performance-enhancing substance use in sport (1). It inquired about many statements concerning the supposed anti-doping fight and how it may be successful. The document disputes that children need to be taken into account for a more restrictive moral and ethical anti-doping structure […]

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Finance on the web, now with added friendliness

We’re really proud to announce the next step in our digital journey at FNB — the launch of the brand spanking new website. The website relaunch has been a project of mammoth proportions, with amazing collaboration between teams from all over the bank. As I blog this, the guys from the online team are still […]

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Paradise legal: Heavenly high jinks

No really. I’ve been pondering this lately. When your number’s up and you’re hauled before the Heavenly Lifetime Review Board, what goes down? You know, that final moment when you have to make a case for floating about in the land of milk and honey and not being condemned to perish with thieves, fornicators, drug […]

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By way of introduction …

Hi, I’m Jess and I am new on the M&G blogspot. My reason for joining? Wanting to understand knowledge. I wanted to understand knowledge so much that I took a course last year called “Tradition, Science and the Environment” in which — for the first time in my life — it wasn’t just me who […]